Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Photo Shoot

I had a really awesome day. I got to help out at one of the magazine shoots. I even met a minor celebrity (although I'll admit I didn't know who she was until someone told me). The studio was in Chelsea. It consisted of a bunch of different really big rooms all completely white from the floor to the ceiling. One whole wall was all windows and looked out on the yard where they keep all the trains that go into Penn Station. There was also a great view of the water and the helipad at Chelsea Piers.

It was interesting to see how they put decorations and accessories together to create backdrops for each shot. Also got to watch the interactions between the crew: the models, photographers, makeup people, art director, fashion director, and the editor-in-chief. It feels like the work we do in the office is very removed from the final product so it was great to see how everything comes together.

I brought in a bag I had re-crocheted for them to shoot. I say re-crocheted because the sample had come to us from a yarn company in colors that we didn't love. Since I've been dubbed the "crochet monster" I was assigned the task of remaking it and happily complied.

I mostly helped the fashion director out. We had gotten in a couple boxes of clothes and shoes so I unpacked them and hung everything up. Then I became queen of the steam machine to get all the wrinkles out. I left after lunch to head back to the office but I'm really glad I got the opportunity. There's going to be another shoot on Tuesday and I can't wait to go.

1 comment:

  1. where are you working now that you get to go on cool photo shoots?
