What: Crocheted samples of fruits and veggies from the book Tasty Crochet by Rose Langlitz
Materials needed:
- The book Tasty Crochet: A Pantry Full of Patterns for 33 Tasty Treats by TastyCrochet on Ravelry.
- Worsted weight yarn in fruit/veggie type colors depending on the project. Suggested yarns are Lion Brand Wool-Ease or Paton’s Classic Wool but any comparable yarn is acceptable. Great project for stash busters!
- Fiberfill stuffing
- Stitch marker
- Yarn needle
- Size G hook
When:ASAP but postmarked by Monday, March 15th at the latest.
Who: Anyone who can meet the specified requirements and wants to help with an ambitious charitable project (Keep reading for more details).
Compensation: 1 handmade stitch or row marker (your choice) per item that meets above guidelines and is of acceptable quality as determined by me. Bonus stitch or row markers for including partially used skeins of yarn used in project or extra size G hooks. I will keep all samples I can use and return unacceptable ones to the sender.
Note: You must purchase your own copy of the book and use all your own supplies including yarn. You are responsible for postage for your sample and must include a SASE (self addressed stamped envelope(s)) in order to receive your stitch/row marker(s).
Who are you? I’m a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist trying to encourage fruit and vegetable consumption amongst low-income urban families. I work at a non-profit Health Center in New York City that services patients primarily in Harlem and the Bronx. We have a large population of immigrants of all ages many with limited English speaking ability and some who cannot read in any language.
What’s with the fast deadline? This is to support National Nutrition Month in March.
What are you actually going to do with all that crocheted produce? Good question! We’re holding a heath fair the week of March 22nd. I plan to give these out as a fun reminder to patients to eat more fruits and vegetables. I will hold classes for men and women to teach them to crochet. Help me spread the crochet love and share the meditative aspects of needlework. I plan to continue these classes throughout the year. If I have enough I will use them as prizes all year for patients who demonstrate positive health outcomes.
Why are you doing this again? My goal is to promote stress relief and support efforts to lose weight, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and manage diabetes. This will, in turn, lower health care spending which benefits everyone.
You’re a dietitian. Can’t you just tell them to eat more of the healthy stuff? It’s not that easy for a myriad of reasons including lack of money, access to fresh produce, education, language, cultural differences, and reading abilities. This is part of a much larger program that includes more traditional as well as creative outreach efforts.
Are you making any money off of this? No, not at all. I am in no way affiliated with the author of Tasty Crochet or its publisher. I chose this book because I received it as a holiday gift myself and think the patterns are pretty easy and supercute. I will be spending my own money and time outside of work to make the stitch markers.
Can’t your employer pony up some dough to compensate me? We are a non-profit organization with a very limited budget for this program. It already took a bunch of convincing on my part to get the administration to agree to this concept. Unfortunately, they are unable to provide funding to cover expenses.
Why do I have to buy the book? Can’t you just send me the pattern? That would be a violation of copyright and I want to avoid any sticky legal issues while ensuring the author is not deprived compensation for her efforts. I will contact the publisher to see if they’ll allow me to copy patterns but it’s doubtful they will agree. You can purchase the book from Amazon for $13.59 and it’s eligible for FREE Super Saving Shipping on eligible orders over $25.
Sounds awesome! Shut up already and just tell me what I need to do to help. Show your interest by commenting on this post. I’d be happy to answer any and all questions relating to this project. Optional: Indicate which of the following you would like to make (Pics from Tasty Crochet): watermelon, strawberry, pear, side salad & bowl, mushroom, green beans, apple or apple wedge, asparagus, carrot, peas, tomato, or cherry tomatoes on the vine.
I can’t make any stuff but I still want to help. I welcome donations of suitable yarn and crochet hooks. Post a comment and I'll send you the address.**
Thanks in advance to everyone. With your help we can make a difference!